and now to something completely different

lean interim adopt a Penguin at the Zoo of Zurich

Each year we are proud to donate up to 10% of our Earnings towards Organizations like Worldvision. More than a decade ago our CEO, Dietmar Dold, adopted a child from Tanzania via Worldvision and since that time Worldvision is one of our preferred and reliable addresses to see our donations in good hands. In 2011 …

lean interim adopt a Penguin at the Zoo of Zurich Weiterlesen »

Business Mediation at a Glance

What is Mediation? Mediation is a process in which the parties to a dispute, with the assistance of a dispute resolution practitioner (the mediator), identify the disputed issues, develop options, consider alternatives and endeavour to reach an agreement. Another common wording for Mediation is Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) also know as Assisted or Appropriate Dispute …

Business Mediation at a Glance Weiterlesen »

visitors on

Lean Interim News: Redesign and regional focus

The increasing traffic and global popularity of this site asked for the next step. From today on, posts in English only on lean A professional redesign and our contact details of all of our three active regions: Americas, EMA and Asia Pacific. in English only We started this blog with some articles in German …

Lean Interim News: Redesign and regional focus Weiterlesen »

Training Feedback

Critical Chain (CCPM) + Stakeholdermanagement = Projektmanagement 2011

Seit fast 20 Jahren bilde ich Projektmanager in unterschiedlichsten Funktionen aus. Vermittelte ich in den 90ern noch das Spannungsdreicke Qualität-Kosten-Zeit (was inzwischen durch Lean Methoden nachweislich wiederlegt wurde), so hat die Theory of Constrains einen starken Einfluss auf die Lehrinhalte genommen. Das Critical Chain Projektmanagement (CCPM) hat Einzug erhalten. Im CCPM wird stark auf den …

Critical Chain (CCPM) + Stakeholdermanagement = Projektmanagement 2011 Weiterlesen »

596 minutes every lean thinker have to invest

„The Gold Mine“  by Freddy and Michael Ballé  climbed my personal olymp of  audiobooks. My current assignment force me to drive three hours per day by car. I see this as a great opportunity to listen to as many audiobooks as possible and extend my horizonts. After listening to the „old stuff“ like Womack and Jones  „Lean Thinking“ …

596 minutes every lean thinker have to invest Weiterlesen »

Nie wieder HP Produkte kaufen !

Menschen mit IT-Background kennen Murphy’s Law und verschmerzen mit diesem Wissen so manchen Ärger im falschen Moment! Diesmal ist es aber die reine Bereicherungsgier von HP, was zu höheren Aufwendungen führte! HP Photosmart D6160! Einer dieser Drucker, welche mit vollen Tintenpatronen ausgeliefert werden und der Drucker mit vollen Patronen in der Anschaffung billiger ist als …

Nie wieder HP Produkte kaufen ! Weiterlesen »

Economics and value creation – „individual value“

Do you like sarcasm? Oh, you don’t, better stop reading. LEAN-THINKERS like us keep asking the same questions every day (at least while doing value stream mapping):  What’s the value of this? What’s the value of that? Does is really add value to the customers? Well, I just ran into a new book of journalist …

Economics and value creation – „individual value“ Weiterlesen »