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Lean Interim News: Redesign and regional focus

The increasing traffic and global popularity of this site asked for the next step. From today on, posts in English only on lean A professional redesign and our contact details of all of our three active regions: Americas, EMA and Asia Pacific. in English only We started this blog with some articles in German …

Lean Interim News: Redesign and regional focus Weiterlesen »

Real lean thinker win in commoditized markets

Like death and taxes, commoditization of your products is a given. John Quelch offered a few tips in the Harvard Business Review Dec 14, 2007. But there is more to think about and act on: The focus of your lean activities needs to shift urgently! If you heard a manager blaming „commoditization“ for failing to deliver …

Real lean thinker win in commoditized markets Weiterlesen »

supply chains (networks) compete, not companies

The complexity of supply chains is constantly increasing. the words „supply networks“ describe the situation better, nowadays. Most companies in countries like USA, Germany, Switzerland do not even produce more than 50% of the real net output ratio (vertical range of manufacture) anymore. If you buy a Porsche 911 or Boxter you will purchase 20% …

supply chains (networks) compete, not companies Weiterlesen »

indicators for company burnout

„It’s not just individuals who burn out – companies do, too!“

This headline is taken from the harvard business review april 2010 [HBR2010]. It is an important message to all decision makers but even more important to all interim managers and lean practitioners as their constant companion in business life is change. How do you know? What should you do? How do you know? There are …

„It’s not just individuals who burn out – companies do, too!“ Weiterlesen »

596 minutes every lean thinker have to invest

„The Gold Mine“  by Freddy and Michael Ballé  climbed my personal olymp of  audiobooks. My current assignment force me to drive three hours per day by car. I see this as a great opportunity to listen to as many audiobooks as possible and extend my horizonts. After listening to the „old stuff“ like Womack and Jones  „Lean Thinking“ …

596 minutes every lean thinker have to invest Weiterlesen »

The stages of an interim management assignment

The following stages show the assignment lifecycle by which interim managers and executives enter, engage with and exit their assignments. The early stages have much in common with consultancy, as the later stages have with project management, but the combination of insightful analysis and results-driven implementation is the differentiating hallmark of the interim management approach. …

The stages of an interim management assignment Weiterlesen »

Interim Management Providers and Interim Management Organizations are sending the wrong message

What is the difference between a staffing firm (recruitment agency) and an Interim Management Service Provider? That was my question  to Paul Beerli last week. Paul is the president of the Interim Management Organisation in Switzerland, called Dachverband Schweizer Interim Manager (DSIM). He worked before for Butterflymanager, one of the leading Interim Management Service Provider in Switzerland …

Interim Management Providers and Interim Management Organizations are sending the wrong message Weiterlesen »

Interim Assignment „Setting up Project Office Part 1“

Since January 2011, I am in an assignment to set up a project office for a global player in the metal industry. Current Situation: Good Company, good management, good culture. The management is aware of the necessary change from product focus towards dedication to client needs and demands. To achieve the best possible client focus, …

Interim Assignment „Setting up Project Office Part 1“ Weiterlesen »

Gute Prognosen für die Interim Management Branche

Unternehmen suchen demnach wieder verstärkt Manager auf Zeit, die vor allem anspruchsvolle Transformationsprozesse, Restrukturierungen, große IT-Projekte und Geschäftserweiterungen meistern. „Seit dem zweiten Quartal 2010 zieht die Nachfrage nach Interim Managern extrem an“, erläutert Jens Christophers, Vorstandvorsitzender der DDIM, die positive Entwicklung. „Wir sehen, dass sich viele Unternehmen nach der Wirtschaftskrise neu aufstellen und weiterentwickeln müssen und …

Gute Prognosen für die Interim Management Branche Weiterlesen »

Interim und Change Management in CFO Positionen

Interim CFOs sollten bisher primär überbrücken (Stellvertretung) oder „kleinere“ Projekte leiten (z.B. Umstellung HGB auf IFRS oder US-GAAP). Doch die führende Rolle im Change Management wurde nur sehr selten beim CFO oder Interim CFO aufgehängt. Das könnte sich in Zukunft ändern. CFOs sind schon lange keine Erbsenzähler mehr. In der Mitte des Netz(werks) sitzt die …

Interim und Change Management in CFO Positionen Weiterlesen »